Washington Metropolitan
Slow Pitch Softball
Hall of Fame
Become a Hall of Fame Sponsor!
All the positions on the Board of Commissioners of the Hall of Fame are voluntary and every effort is made to keep costs at a minimum. We need your support to help offset the operating costs incurred to keep the Hall of Fame operating.
Please consider being a sponsor in one of the following categories -- you will be acknowledged in the banquet booklet.
Banquet Bar Sponsor
Grand Slam Bar Sponsor..$500.00
(plus full page ad)
Home Run Bar Sponsor....$300.00
(plus 1/2 page ad)
Banquet Sponsor
Golden Glove................$ 200.00
Silver Glove..................$ 100.00
Bronze Glove ...............$ 50.00
Batter's Box .................$ 25.00
Patron ..........................$ 5.00
Your support is greatly appreciated and vital to
keeping the Hall of Fame in existence.
Thank You!
Become a Sponsor of the Hall of Fame Today!
Need Sponsor Info. By March 1, 2024